Monday, June 24, 2013

S1E3: Already Has Depth

June 24th, 2013

The butterscotch and vanilla ice cream I'm having surely tastes better than the Liberty Bell. :P

Season 1: Episode 3: The Sweet Taste of Liberty

Same time as episode 1 (2005).

One thing that I like about this episode is the scenes with Lily and Robin at the bar. It serves to start solidifying the idea of Robin as a part of the gang without her being romantically involved with Ted, as well as establishing both Lily and Robin further as characters.
Overall, this episode is fairly Barney-centric however. From the start of the episode, Barney is trying to get Ted laid. Ted going along with Barney's plan isn't quite a, I'm-trying-to-find-the-mother-of-my-future-children escapade, but it does show the dynamic between Barney and Ted considering Ted states that he's not sure why he was friends with Barney. I also like that it highlights the negative impact of Barney's choices. In this and the last episode, Barney trying to hook up with random women, ended up resulting in unnecessary grief, and in this instance, Ted's wrapped up in it too. Not only that, it's severe enough that the two of them have to deal with police because, unsurprisingly, this isn't the first time that Barney's tried to pick up chicks at the airport.
I also like that Ted is reluctant to continue with Barney after the incident with the airport security. Once again, it's the internal back-and-forth that drives the conflicts. It's also cool to see Marshall really want to have fun with the guys, but still being really dedicated to Lilly. Plus, it's pretty funny that he tries to be all tough and then says he's never been in a fight before.
It's also cool to see that Barney has a deep side, to the extent that his friendship with Ted is so important to him. Even the most ridiculous, shallow character on the show has depth to him, and that's interesting.


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