Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Quit

I have not updated this in ages for one simple reason: I quit. I may have watched How I Met Your Mother some eight or so times over, but there is a point at which it is no longer worth it. The show degrades highly with each re-watch. While the show early on had a lot of fun gags and jokes, they are not the kind of jokes that are particularly funny on a second, and certainly not, eighth time through. My conclusion is that honestly, with all of the chicks Ted has gone on about over the course of this show, and how many times he goes hopeless and foolishly after Robin, he hardly deserves a person as wonderful as the Mother. Save yourself 4,247 minutes, and go watch Stephen Sondheim's Company on Netflix. It's pretty much the same story, except there's actual pot, more singing, and you actually feel happy when the main character changes at the end rather than this nonsense back and forth ping pong that happens with How I Met Your Mother. Good day.

On a post note, I strongly dislike Robin, and always have.

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